
Climate Conflict Action’s Policy Briefs and Thematic Papers provide researchers and policymakers with evidence-based analysis and nuanced solutions to conflict-related issues. These papers and briefs feature data-driven insights on how conflict develops and interacts with other causal dynamics, and how it can be mitigated and resolved.

On the one hand, the thematic papers delve into critical topics such as the pandemic, the Anti-Terrorism Law, conflict strings, climate risks and other factors, providing depth and context to the data. On the other, policy briefs introduce data-driven proposals to aid in policy-making and enrich discourse.

Why the proposed Anti-Terrorism Law will lead to wrongful arrests and more violence

Why the proposed Anti-Terrorism Law will lead to wrongful arrests and more violence

01 July 2020 Conflict Alert

The proposed Anti-Terrorism Law views the problem of terrorism purely through a security lens. The law can lead to wrongful arrests and more violence if mechanisms are not in place to protect rights of citizens, particularly of minorities.

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Disrupting conflict strings in sub-national contexts: Experience from Muslim Mindanao, Philippines

Disrupting conflict strings in sub-national contexts: Experience from Muslim Mindanao, Philippines

17 September 2016 Conflict Alert

Conflict strings are episodes of violence arising from a discrete incident with a singular or multiple causes. This paper argues that violent incidents cannot be examined as discrete events isolated from other causes and related events, which enable conflict to change shape and endure.

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Applying a violence intensity index in the Bangsamoro

Applying a violence intensity index in the Bangsamoro

16 September 2016 Conflict Alert

This thematic paper introduces a Violence Intensity Index and its application in the five provinces of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. The overarching objective is to establish an evaluative tool that can be used to improve the targeting mechanisms of government agencies and nongovernmental organizations, directly or indirectly, involved in development and conflict management in Muslim Mindanao.

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