
Conflict Alert Reports are annual reports published by Climate Conflict Action that feature up-to-date and in-depth analyses about conflict incidents, causes, and human costs of violent conflict and climate change. It aims to shape policy-making, development strategies, and peacebuilding approaches by providing relevant, robust, and reliable data.

Appeasing Violence, Conjuring Peace: The Conflict Alert 2021-2023 Report

Appeasing Violence, Conjuring Peace: The Conflict Alert 2021-2023 Report

22 August 2024 Conflict Alert

The Conflict Alert Triennial Report delves into the factors contributing to the ongoing challenge of achieving a sustainable peace in the Bangsamoro. It explores the complex dynamics that have led to the resurgence of violence, despite the decline in violence after the Marawi siege in 2017, the implementation of martial law, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The report unpacks the geographical context of areas where violence is rising and the evolving causes contributing to this violence.

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Enduring Wars

Enduring Wars

25 January 2021 Conflict Alert

The Conflict Alert 2020 report presents analysis on conflict dynamics and trends from 2011 to 2019 in the Bangsamoro, highlighting the rise of violence in pockets and corridors of the region within a picture of continued overall decline of violent conflict across provinces. The report tackles the high incidence of identity, resource, and political violence and the persistent nature of violent extremism and shadow economies of drugs and weapons in the region.

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War Makes States

War Makes States

03 September 2019 Conflict Alert

The Conflict Alert 2019 highlights the decline of violent conflict incidents in Muslim Mindanao after the Marawi war and amidst continuing extremist violence events, the impact of the State’s continued implementation of martial law in the region, and its implications especially on the strengthening of the Bangsamoro sub-state.

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War and Identity

War and Identity

01 October 2018 Conflict Alert

The year 2017 was a turning point in the magnitude of violent conflict in the ARMM, amplified by the astonishing increase in conflict deaths due to the war in Marawi City and other places in Mindanao.

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Guns, Drugs, and Extremism: Bangsamoro’s New Wars

Guns, Drugs, and Extremism: Bangsamoro’s New Wars

28 November 2017 Conflict Alert

The year 2016 saw an explosion of violence in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) amid the holding of the May 2016 national and local elections and the coming to power of a new administration dedicated to eradicating the drug problem in the Philippines. The year also saw the emergence of a new form of vertical conflict—violent extremism.

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Conflict Alert 2017 Report Highlights

Conflict Alert 2017 Report Highlights

16 September 2017 Conflict Alert

Violent conflict surged to unprecedented levels in Muslim Mindanao in 2016 as the Duterte government launched a war on illegal drugs and guns and newly emerging violence from extremist groups escalated.

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Violence in the Bangsamoro and Southern Mindanao, 2011-2015

Violence in the Bangsamoro and Southern Mindanao, 2011-2015

25 October 2016 Conflict Alert

Violent conflict incidents in the Davao Region (excluding Davao City) outnumbered those in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) by four to one. There were 28,325 incidents in the Davao Region compared to 6,759 in the ARMM.

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Rebellion, political violence and shadow crimes in the Bangsamoro, The Bangsamoro Conflict Monitoring System (BCMS), 2011-2013

Rebellion, political violence and shadow crimes in the Bangsamoro, The Bangsamoro Conflict Monitoring System (BCMS), 2011-2013

15 August 2014 Conflict Alert

This report presents an assessment of the data gathered using the Bangsamoro Conflict Monitoring System (BCMS) from 2011 to 2013, which captures robust evidence of violent conflict in provinces comprising the proposed Bangsamoro territory in the Philippines.

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