
These are the collection of videos released by International Alert Philippines through the years, some of which talk about the rigorous methodology of the three interoperable platforms now managed by CCAA: Conflict Alert, Critical Events Monitoring System (CEMS), and Resource Use and Management Planning (RUMP). Other videos are on the advocacies such as the Marawi rehabilitation and compensation, proliferation of illicit firearms, among many other topics.

SHIFT/s (Shifting Hybrid Initiatives for Inclusive Transformation)

Why are the youth involved in violence? Why is there a low participation in peacebuilding activities among them? Why aren't schools used as a safe space to talk about issues that affect the youth?

SHIFT/s gives youth in conflict areas the opportunity to play an essential role in addressing these questions. It helps them develop concrete action plans to achieve a safe community where they continue to live with dignity.

Conflict Alert: Understanding Conflict

Conflict Alert is International Alert Philippines' response to a reality when newly-emerging forms of violence, including violent extremism, have become the new norm. It is a tool to monitor conflict across Mindanao in the Southern Philippines. It tracks the actors, causes, and costs, by gathering data from the police, the military, the media, and communities.

Red Flags on Equality and Diversity in the Workplace

How can Philippine companies create an inclusive and diverse workplace? Why do they even need to do so? The Red Flags on Equality and Diversity in the Workplace provide practical guidelines in checking discrimination in places of employment, particularly against Muslims and indigenous peoples. They show how companies, by adhering to these principles, improve labor relations, foster motivation and creativity among workers, improve reputation, boost profits, and ultimately build everyday peace.