January-December 2005 Vol. 25, Nos. 1-4
10 July 2022 Dansalan Quarterly
This issue presents historical accounts on Moro datus, the evolution of the Maranao bangsa, and the Moro constabulary. The first paper is a compilation of the statements made by Moro datus and leaders regarding independence, which provides a clearer historical perspective on the current aspirations of the Bangsamoro for self-determination. From these statements, readers can reflect on how differences with the Muslims of the south can be resolved. The second paper content-analyzes the statements made by Maranao leaders in the context of the evolving concepts of nation and nationalism. It defines Bangsa, which has three different meanings among the Maranaos: nation, social rank, and ancestry. The statements, in general, reflect on the drastic shifts in the Maranao sense of belongingness–essentially it transcended beyond the local community. The third paper points out a contrasting view of the history of Moro Constabulary. Such a history reveals that resistance was never a unanimous Moro reaction to foreign colonization. While many resisted, a considerable number also provided and demonstrated faithful service to the American colonial masters. It is therefore erroneous to assume that only the colonizers and the “Christianized” native allies were responsible for the subjugation of the Moros, as history tells us that some Moros themselves were liable too for the subjugation of their own people.
Please email dansalan.quarterly@dcfi.edu.ph to request a copy of the issue.