July 1987 Vol. VIII, No. 4
10 July 2022 Dansalan Quarterly
This journal provides yet another account of the norms and values of the Maranao, from the papers of Carlton Riemer and Batua Macaraya. In the first article, Riemer describes the pervasive role of the cultural value of maratabat in the lives of Maranao Muslims. As a backdrop, the concept of maratabat involves notions of self-respect, self-esteem, and personal pride. It has become a distinct socio-cultural value among the Maranao Muslims, pervading all of Maranao society. Maratabat is a concept highly valued by the community, and has since become an important part of the socialization process of Muslim children. Reimer discusses the functions and illustrations of maratabat, its distinction from shame, its association with social classes, religion, the law, and social integration. In a nutshell, maratabat contributes to the Maranao’s self-identity and sense of belonging, and its pervasiveness still requires much scrutiny and evaluation. On the other hand, in the second article, Macaraya shares a different perspective on the customs of courtship and marriage among the Maranao. The article presents a summary of some traditional practices pertaining to such engagements, in particular social organization, stereotypes, and even the dissolution of the marriage bond. As a general rule, the man must court and marry a woman belonging to his own class, confirming the presence of stereotypes and inequality. In sum, this journal navigates through the complexities of Maranao customs–and how these affect the very people who preserve them.
Please email dansalan.quarterly@dcfi.edu.ph to request a copy of the issue.